In addition to the support you receive from your primary care team, there are services available to help you learn about diabetes and to support you to self manage your diabetes. For more information about Type 2 Diabetes, please click here.

You can self refer to the below: 

An interactive group session led by dietitians where you can learn how to better manage your Type 2 diabetes.

Online weight management programme to help you
achieve a healthier lifestyle and weight.

To help you manage your diagnosis, trained psychologists can support you in changing your lifestyle through the Fitness Tracker and Act Now programme.

Local Support Groups to meet people with Type 2 Diabetes.

Ask your GP practice to be referred to the below: 

Dietetic appointments can help you identify ways you can change your diet to help with weight loss and manage your diabetes. Clinic appointments include a detailed dietary assessment, planned goal setting with ongoing support and review. You will need to be referred by your GP practice to ensure you attend the most appropriate clinic.

Aims to reduce weight and hopefully improve blood glucose levels to non diabetic levels. This service is available free through NHS Grampian, you will need to be referred by your GP practice.