Self-management & Emotional Wellbeing

 We know that making changes can be difficult for lots of reasons. If you have been told that you are at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes (pre diabetes) or newly diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in the last 6 years, our team is here to support you with:

Being more physically active
Improving eating habits and patterns
Managing the emotional impact of diabetes

To find out more or to arrange an appointment, please get in touch with a member of the team:

Email –


Phone – 01224 655755

After an initial appointment to discuss what support you are looking for and whether we are the right service to help, there are two supported self-management programmes we can offer:

Fitness Tracker Programme

  • Support with being more physically active
  • Focuses on setting achievable goals, creating an action plan (including looking at ways to overcome barriers) and keeping track of progress
  • 1-to-1 appointments, or group-based sessions delivered over 3-6 month 

ACT Now! Programme

  •  Support with making changes to important health-related behaviours, including physical activity levels and eating habits/patterns
  •  Additional sessions focused on the emotional impact of diabetes and developing helpful strategies to cope with these challenges
  • Up to 8 weekly appointments, delivered on a 1-to-1 basis.

For more information or to refer yourself, please use the contact details above.

Silver Cloud - An online program for improving emotional wellbeing

SilverCloud is an interactive, flexible online programme for improving emotional wellbeing. Based on the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), mindfulness and positive psychology, it teaches you skills and strategies to reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, low mood, or depression. It can be accessed anywhere and anytime using your PC, Laptop, tablet or smart phone. The NHS UK website has more information about SilverCloud programmes. 

To access SilverCloud, you will need to be referred by a doctor or nurse at your GP Practice, or another Medical Professional. Your healthcare professional can access the following from Grampian Guidance on NHS Grampian intranet site.