To find out more about the support services available, please click on the links below or call the NHS Grampian Healthpoint team on 08085 202030.

You can self refer to the below: 

A short, informative video delivered by one of our dietitians to give you an understanding of Prediabetes and how to manage it.  

Online weight management programme to help you achieve a healthier lifestyle and weight.

To help you manage your diagnosis, trained psychologists can support you in changing your lifestyle through the Fitness Tracker and Act Now programmes.

Information on ways to start making healthy changes to your lifestyle to reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. 

A 12 week face to face interactive group programme is delivered in various leisure centres throughout Grampian, followed by 9 months of weight loss maintenance reviews. The programme will help you to find that balance to achieving a healthy weight and will look at taking a healthy approach to nutrition, finding ways to be active, adopting a positive mindset, listening to your body and most importantly, not being too hard on yourself. You can self-refer by following the links below,