Other Resources

Type 1 Diabetes Education Programme with lots of useful information here to help you to understand and manage your diabetes in a way that suits you and your lifestyle.

You can see your own electronic diabetes record at MyDiabetesMyWay. You will be able to see your results, when your screening is due as well as give you information about diabetes in general.

eLearning courses are available online through MyDiabetesMyWay including Carb Counting, Living with Type 1 & Considering an Insulin Pump.

A booklet to help you achieve the best possible glucose results.

A diary will enable you to work out the amount of carbohydrate (CHO) you eat and how this affects your blood glucose (BG) level. Please record how you have calculated the CHO you have eaten.

What to expect at your Diabetes review.

How to monitor your glucose levels and link to your specialist clinic.

For information and support visit the webpages below:

