
Diabetes specialist dietitians

Diabetes Dietitians offer specialist evidenced based dietary advice to patients with diabetes taking account of nutritional status, medication, diabetes control, diet, lifestyle and exercise.

We can support you with learning about insulin dose adjustment based on food choices, blood glucose levels and management of exercise.  We can give personalised weight management advice to help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

We offer 1 to 1 appointments for individual assessments, advice, and support around any dietary aspects of diabetes management. In addition to this we can offer joint appointments with a Diabetes Specialist Nurse.  We also offer an introduction to carbohydrate counting  group sessions for people with Type 1 Diabetes and a longer structured education course for people with Type 1 Diabetes. We are involved in supporting people with diabetes pre‑pregnancy, during their pregnancy and in the postnatal period.

We work closely with all the members of the team – doctors, nurses, podiatrists and psychologists – to provide the best advice and support for each individual.