Diabetes Specialist Nurses

Diabetes Specialist Nurse (DSN)

The DSN service across Grampian is there to support, educate and provide information to people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

We can see people for a variety of reasons including those newly diagnosed with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, support to manage medication, hypoglycaemia, hyperglycaemia and sick days, blood glucose monitoring and travel plans.

We may see you just once at the clinic or you might have ongoing appointments to help you set goals and manage your own care.

For those with more complex needs we work closely with GPs and practice nurses.

You can be seen by the Diabetes Specialist Nurse in the clinic or in your GP practice along with the practice nurse or we can speak to you on the phone.

You can be referred from your GP, hospital consultants, other health care professionals and you can also refer yourself.

Click here for the contact details for the DSN team.

For urgent advice / advice out of hours contact your GP or NHS 24 tel: 111.